About us

We have been representing SHL Talent Management Solutions in Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia since 2012 and Slovakia and The Czech Republic since January 2019. Our assessment solutions are based upon over 30 years of research and development and cover all three major directions of the assessment process: talent acquisition, talent mobility and talent analytics.

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the science of wise decisions
Making the right decisions about people is key to driving performance today and for the future.

We are experts in assessment and development centre implementation, being the only company in Romania delivering assessment centers aligned to the International Taskforce for Assessment Operations Guidelines (2012).

We have a 1000+ product portfolio consisting of measures designed to capture a wide range of assessment areas: abilities, preferences, competencies, attitudes, skills, knowledge, personality and motivation. These tools have been used extensively internationally and locally in various talent assessment and talent development programs.

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Meet the team

PhD Andrei Ion
Country Cluster Lead

SHL Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Slovakia and The Czech Republic

SIOP – International Affairs Committee

MA Alexandra Olteanu
Consultancy Projects Lead

SHL Romania, Slovakia and The Czech Republic

Traian Stoleru
Sr. Organizational Psychology Consultant

SHL Romania

Cristina Raducanu
Organizational Psychology Consultant

SHL Romania

Andreea Ojică
Consulting Support

SHL Romania

Olivia Petre
Senior Associate Consultant

SHL Romania

Ioana Grigorescu
Organizational Psychology Consultant

SHL Romania

Adi Apostu
Product Development Specialist

SHL Romania

Bianca Iancu
Consulting Suppor

SHL Romania

Experts in assessment and development


personality questionnaires administrated in Romania.


persons assessed/ year


persons certified


clients use our testing platform

A distinct line of business consists in our specialized trainings on talent management processes which enable HR professionals to gain insights and practical experience in order to effectively apply best practices in their organizations. The courses are typically delivered in-house and can also be tailored to your specific requirements.

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